TRIGGER WARNING This website contains references to sexual violence.

While you read this, kids around New Zealand are accidentally stumbling across harmful content online.
This is having
a significant impact on our rangatahi and communities.

We are advocating for immediate action to ensure online safety for our rangatahi and tamariki.

How can we create change at a systemic level to be more preventive, consider future generations, and prioritise vulnerable groups? This means ensuring these groups are central in developing national strategies.

If policy changes are slow or stagnant, what can we do now? By advocating to big tech companies, schools, providers, and communities, we encourage them to take proactive steps on online safety because it's the right thing to do instead of waiting until they are forced to.

Parents & Caregivers
If broader changes don’t happen, what can we do at home? In our own families, we can advocate for our children’s needs. Through small but meaningful actions, we can protect our kids and make a difference right where we are.

Current Projects

Our petition is awaiting Select Committee and is calling for government and industry to address illegal sexual abuse material online. Find out more

We are advocating for New Zealand schools to put robust safety measures online into place. Find out more.

+ We are encouraging parents to delay their child’s smart phone access to 13-years-old. Find out more.